We loved having Mom and Dad visit for Thanksgiving last week!

Since the beginning of April we pretty much work 6 days each week with only a couple weekends off which is why we take an entire week off for our annual “Thanksgiving Vacation”. During our vacation this year, we spent a few days doing a little “spring cleaning”, then simply enjoyed spending time with Mom, Dad and exploring these beautiful mountains where we live!
In the Spring, we just don’t prioritize cleaning so our “Spring Cleaning” happens in the fall. In the spring we are much too busy doing things like starting plants, preparing fields, and gearing up for the season doing all the gazillion farm jobs that come up on a daily basis. The reason we work so many hours is because we are a small farm and just don’t have the income to hire enough labor just so we can work a little less. So our house cleaning falls by the wayside during our vegetable growing season mostly because we don’t spend time indoors. During the winter we spend a little more time indoors so it is nice doing our “Spring Cleaning” just before winter.
So what is Spring Cleaning to us? I can assure you that our house is never as neat nor as well organized as my Mother’s, but what we do each fall is recycle obsolete paper/tax files, wash windows, dust off our furniture and ceiling fans, getting rid of all our beneficial spiders and their webs, vacuum the carpet, and get rid of ragged T-Shirts, Socks and Jeans. Now our goal is to keep up with the Flylady because she has a GREAT process for keeping ones household organized and ready for company at any given time.
During our vacation we shared a FABULOUS Thanksgiving dinner with Mom and Dad, and as usual it was a completely made from scratch meal with most of the food raised by us and our friends. The main ingredient we purchased was flour, and I think that it might be pretty cool to try growing some wheat for our Thanksgiving dinner next year. We had Spinach Salad, Roasted Chicken, Broccoli, Pumpkin Pie (made from our Sunshine Squash), bread dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy.
This is our “Shop Vacuum” that is used for our first pass in vacuuming our carpet.  It is of industrial quality and can nearly suck up everything on the floor except the carpet.  By next year our goal is to replace most of the carpeting with fake hardwood floors.  Once we build our final house we will hopefully have real wood floors milled with trees from the farm.
This is our “Shop Vacuum” that is used for our first pass in vacuuming our carpet. It is of industrial quality and can nearly suck up everything on the floor except the carpet. By next year our goal is to replace most of the carpeting with fake hardwood floors. Once we build our final house we will hopefully have real wood floors milled with trees from the farm.
Mom and Dad at Mt. Mitchell on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  There are incredible views at Mt Mitchell and I do want to visit one fall just to see an incredible sea of colors.
Mom and Dad at Mt. Mitchell on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are incredible views at Mt Mitchell and I do want to visit one fall just to see an incredible sea of colors.
From left to right: Carl, Mom, Julie and Dad.  We are enjoying the views on the way up to Mt. Mitchell.
From left to right: Carl, Mom, Julie and Dad. We are enjoying the views on the way up to Mt. Mitchell.
Our last “major” harvest of the season. Corina and Drew visited the farm this harvest and the below photographs were taken by Corina. THANKS CORINA! We will be harvesting a few veggies for the holiday market on December 10th and 17th
Danielle weighing Arugula.
Danielle weighing Arugula.
Justin processing Japanese radishes.  We love these crunchy and sweet radishes.
Justin processing Japanese radishes. We love these crunchy and sweet radishes.
Julie processing carrots.  Our carrots have grown exceptionally well this season and have been incredibly sweet.
Julie processing carrots. Our carrots have grown exceptionally well this season and have been incredibly sweet.

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