Category Archives: Family, Friends & Neighbors

We loved having Mom and Dad visit for Thanksgiving last week!

Since the beginning of April we pretty much work 6 days each week with only a couple weekends off which is why we take an entire week off for our annual “Thanksgiving Vacation”. During our vacation this year, we spent a few days doing a little “spring cleaning”, then simply enjoyed spending time with Mom, […]


This Thanksgiving we are thankful for our family, for the land, rain, sun, Caree, Joe and Meagan who helped in growing the food that has sustained us for the past season. We are also thankful for so many wonderful folks in our community who work so hard at the food pantry that is currently assisting […]

Farmer Mandy and Little Arthur

Little Arthur Farmer Mandy Little Arthur and Brother Frank I thought that Farmer Mandy deserves a special place on this site. Mandy apprenticed with us in 2005 through 2006. During her apprenticeship, she experienced the birth of some very special goats. These goats have since been adopted by Mandy and are waiting for her and […]

Alivin Kirkpatrick

  Alvin in his dozer wile grading for our 4  new greenhouses              Alvin with Carl and Donna checking the level after a pass with his  Dozer Alvin has some very funny phrases and this weeks phrase came out when we were discussing his new diesel truck. (The engine of his new […]