Category Archives: Production Gap


WE FEEL BLESSED! We are still delivering CSA Shares packed full of veggies and are harvesting plenty of greens right now. We have great help on the farm and even though we have had a hot summer, it hasn’t been too awfully hot for the crops, and the creek continues to flow enough for irrigating […]

Such wonderful sleeping weather these past couple nights

This journal entry is for Trace!!!! Yes, finally I am taking the time to write in our journal and let me tell you why… Because here in the mountains we are having cooler weather, with finally the nighttime temperatures dropping, making for some fabulous sleeping. This helps motivate me in completing my nightly chores such as journal […]

Count our blessings we have water and an approved site plan!

We live here in the Appalachians and have plenty of water for irrigating our crops, processing/packing our crops after harvest and for our daily use such as bathing, drinking and washing our clothes. Interesting article of others worries which makes ours seem ridiculous. We worry sometimes that we might have a production gap for our […]

Another 3 little pigs have arrived at the farm from Warren Wilson!

We love our Warren Wilson piggies because they are so social, mostly because they spend the first few weeks of their life on campus with a lot of loving students, thus receiving all kinds of attention from the time they are born. Some folks ask why we always raise 3 pigs together. The answer is […]

Dryer weather makes for some huge accomplishments!

The weather has been cooperating with us and in between rain showers we were able to transplant around 3/4 acre of onions and about 1/2 acre of potatoes.   We even transplanted another succession of broccoli.  Now we need to plow our summer growing area and are once again praying for dry weather so we can […]

It is cover cropping time but a lot of work is needed to make it happen!

I love this time of the season when we are mowing down spent crops, pulling up black plastic and disking the soil in preparation for cover crops. The farm looks so neat when we can no longer see a field of weeds that took over our spent crops. We had BIG plans for seeding buckwheat […]

Great Winter Squash yield, new chicks and roasted Peppers!

The past couple weeks have been spent harvesting winter squash. Many of the plants just up and died due to the high humidity and rain. Our squash probably died of powdery mildew. Although we haven’t had much rain, only a few sporadic showers totaling 1/200 of an inch which is enough to increase our humidity […]

Of course, it rained an inch once we drip irrigated our crops!

Carl is back home (THANK GOODNESS) and last week he was able to connect our drip irrigation, and then after drip irrigating our crops for a few hours (these crops being peppers, basil, eggplant, winter squash and melons), it rained almost an inch that evening! In addition, he figured out why our irrigation was not […]

Green Envy!

Saturday at Market Vanessa and Alex at Full Sun Farm had the most BEAUTIFUL arugula, radishes, kale and baby boc choi. The last couple years at this time we had kale and baby boc choi but the flea beetles and harlequin bugs have been so tenacious this season that our kale is stunted and our […]