Category Archives: Vacation Cabin Rental

Two steps forward and one step back

That is towards building the farm vacation cabin rental. The reason being is that we’ve decided to get into the dairy business and buy a couple dairy cows. These aren’t just any old cows, these are cows from our neighbors the Browns, and we have been drinking these cows milk for about four years. The […]

Our seed order is placed and we've poured concrete piers!

Last week we had four days of rain so we used this time for seed planning and then finally placing our seed orders. Early January we decided that we would decrease our production level by half with hopes that we will be able to juggle production along with building the farm vacation cabin rental. Then […]

Finally…. we are grading the farm vacation cabin site!

We are pleased to have reached another small milestone, and that being, Alvin and Randy have begun grading the site where the Farm Vacation Cabin will be built. And the best part? They are working evenings doing this so that Carl and I can be somewhat involved. It was last year that Alvin graded the […]

Trying to get the most board feet from each of our trees

We are having a good time on our most recent endeavor into logging and sawing – learning so much about looking at a tree and with our cut list – trying to figure what sizes of cuts will make best use of the tree. This would be an interesting math assignment in school! Our First […]

Edward and Ruth Zimmerman delivered our sawmill!

This past week Edward and Ruth Zimmerman delivered our sawmill. It was great to have the EZ-Boardwalk delivered to us by the inventor, designer and manufacture. Both Edward and Ruth provided our initial training so we think we got the best training possible. This mill is going to be a workhorse because it will be […]


WE FEEL BLESSED! We are still delivering CSA Shares packed full of veggies and are harvesting plenty of greens right now. We have great help on the farm and even though we have had a hot summer, it hasn’t been too awfully hot for the crops, and the creek continues to flow enough for irrigating […]

Count our blessings we have water and an approved site plan!

We live here in the Appalachians and have plenty of water for irrigating our crops, processing/packing our crops after harvest and for our daily use such as bathing, drinking and washing our clothes. Interesting article of others worries which makes ours seem ridiculous. We worry sometimes that we might have a production gap for our […]

Will the good people of NC allow hydrofracking in our state?

The farm crew recently watched the film Gasland, and after watching this all of us are becoming increasingly scared of the direction that our country is taking in regards to fuel extraction, mostly because the gas mongrels are attempting to extract fuel in places we shouldn’t. After watching the film, Townes checked into what is […]