What I think will be an Incredible Culinary Experience

About a month ago, a few folks here in my little community of Spring Creek, were selected as a “Food Cluster” to represent Slow Food at the Terre Madre event in Turin Italy.
Being a small farmer, there is not much money earned annually to fund a trip abroad, so our little cluster of farms is having a fund raising event to send us all to Terre Madre. About a month ago our Spring Creek Food Cluster met with Slow Food Asheville and they suggested we have an event for 200 – 250 people. That seems like feeding a lot of people too me and I am STRESSING OVER IT!
To make this event a little less stressful, Mark Rosenstein, who has operated the Marketplace Restaurant for over 30 years featuring local food, has agreed to take on the challenge of helping us organize and plan this event. HE IS AMAZING IN AGREEING TO HELP US!
Mark is calling this event “Mountain Fire” and here is his proposed and completely made from scratch menu featuring local ingredients from the farms in our food cluster. PRETTY COOL BUT STRESSFULL promising veggies when mother nature has the final say in what will grow and what will not grow thus what our farm will actually be providing versus what our farm has promised to provide.
Our Menu

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