Carl went to Maryland to be with his mom because she just went through brain surgery for hemorrhaging in the brain. Over a month ago, she tripped over a chair in her house, and went to the hospital then and they did CAT scan and an mri (I think). They thought she was fine but she must have had an injury in her brain that didn’t heal and kept bleeding. This is the downside to being on coumadin (aka rat poison). THANKFULLY she seems to be recovering from surgery and becoming more cognoscente each day; however, we need to figure out where she will live as she can no longer live on her own. It is a big deal making these type of decisions for someone else. These decisions not only affect Carl’s mom, but also us since we will probably be one of the caretakers.
I’m here on the farm. Thursday night I went out to irrigate discovering that the freak storm last Monday blew a tree down right on our irrigation intake pipe crushing it. Friday I called Alvin to see if he could advise me as to the best way to saw this tree and he went and got his dozer and pulled the tree out of the creek. The pipe is ruined.
Saturday afternoon Alvin helped me rig up our irrigation using his intake pipe. We have all the irrigation connected and all lines were watering except for a few clogged sprinkler heads. I turned the tractor off to unclog the sprinkler heads with plans on irrigating around 8 PM so that we have less evaporation. Saturday night when I came back out the tractor wouldn’t start.
Now I am in the process of trying to figure out how to pull the tractor that won’t start out of the way so that I can irrigate using our other tractor. I am the only one on the farm today so this may be a little difficult. We have had an entire week without rain that is NOT GOOD for our CROPS!