Poorly managed Agricultural Subsidies

Rather than Domino’s pizza benefit from our Agricultural Subsidies shouldn’t our CSA Members benefit from such subsidies for eating a healthy diet? How about Carl and I benefiting from agriculture subsidies so that we can earn at least minimum wage for growing healthy food for our community?
One of the sessions I went to at Terra Madre discussed changing policies so that we have a healthier food system and so our small farmers, who specialize in growing a wide diversity of healthy crops, can stay in business. They recommend that our country needs to disband agriculture subsidies. I am not sure how to accomplish such a change, nor if such a change is feasible, but this might be an area for discussion in my Spring Creek Community as to what each of us can do in changing our policies for encouraging a healthier food system and a food system where small vegetable farms can earn a living wage off their farming income.

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