First snow of the season

Our little valley is always so beautiful with the first snow of the season! We have been blessed this fall with an extended growing season due to the warmest fall we have had in our farming career! It seems that our crops continue to grow which is AWESOME because our customers just keep buying and we are able to make a little extra cash that we hope to stash away for winter.
Carl went to market so I had the Saturday off.  This morning I thought I would find the pigs snuggling in their shelter but they were out playing in the snow!  I gave them some corn that we grew last year which should provide them with a little extra energy in dealing with this cold snap.
Carl went to market so I had the Saturday off. This morning I thought I would find the pigs snuggling in their shelter but they were out playing in the snow! I gave them some corn that we grew last year which should provide them with a little extra energy in dealing with this cold snap.
Last Thursday our weather forecast was for snow so we spent the afternoon covering our crops giving them a little extra protection.  We will still be harvesting for another couple weeks because we are still delivering CSA shares and selling at market.  e covered green cabbage, napa cabbage, baby boc choi, tatsoi, lettuce, arugula, cilantro, radishes and spinach.
Last Thursday our weather forecast was for snow so we spent the afternoon covering our crops giving them a little extra protection. We will still be harvesting for another couple weeks because we are still delivering CSA shares and selling at market. We covered green cabbage, napa cabbage, baby boc choi, tatsoi, lettuce, arugula, cilantro, radishes and spinach.
Now that our production level is winding down a bit we will be working on fall/winter projects.  Our first is to cover our most recently built greenhouse after which we will be putting a roof on our wood shed.  Notice the snow on the wood so nicely stacked in our wood shed.  We are currently heating a couple greenhouses and are hopefully going to be providing tomatoes to our CSA next week!
Now that our production level is winding down a bit we will be working on fall/winter projects. Our first is to cover our most recently built greenhouse after which we will be putting a roof on our wood shed. Notice the snow on the wood so nicely stacked in our wood shed. We are currently heating a couple greenhouses and are hopefully going to be providing tomatoes to our CSA next week!
On a clear day you would see Bluff Mountain; however, it is snowing so the only visible peaks in this photo are the wildcat.
On a clear day you would see Bluff Mountain; however, it is snowing so the only visible peaks in this photo are the wildcat.

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