Our Second Harvest this Fall!

Our fall CSA boxes are looking very GREEN and delicious (we think). We on the farm have been eating Kale and Collards every day and are so enjoying it! We are missing tatsoi and unlimited napa cabbage as we are normally harvesting plenty of that this time of the year but we lost one succession because we were too lazy to cover it and another we just didn’t get around to seeding. NEXT YEAR. I love napa cabbage because it is so tender and can be eaten in salads.

Harvest bins full of Kale, baby boc choi, Collards and Bulb fennel!
Harvest bins full of Kale, baby boc choi, Collards and Bulb fennel!
Harvest bins of broccoli and lettuce!
Harvest bins of broccoli and lettuce!
Most of our harvest out of the fields and back at the barn ready for hydro-cooling, processing and packing.
Most of our harvest out of the fields and back at the barn ready for hydro-cooling, processing and packing.
Our second fall harvest processed and packaged into a CSA Box full of vitamins and nutrients!  Included in this share is: lettuce, broccoli (sweet and tender!), bulb fennel, baby bok choi, kale, edamame, potatoes, garlic, butternut squash, eggplant, poblano peppers, serrano peppers and a sweet bell pepper.
Our second fall harvest processed and packaged into a CSA Box full of vitamins and nutrients! Included in this share is: lettuce, broccoli (sweet and tender!), bulb fennel, baby bok choi, kale, edamame, potatoes, garlic, butternut squash, eggplant, poblano peppers, serrano peppers and a sweet bell pepper.

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