Hallelujah the winter squash are in the field!

This past week was spent pressure washing landscape plastic for winter squash, unrolling the plastic in the field with each roll covering a bed of our growing area, then covering the edges of the plastic with dirt just so the wind is not apt to carry both the plastic and the plants over the mountain to our neighbors, and finally transplanting roughly 500 winter squash plants to the field. It  FEELS FABULOUS to have this job off our ‘To Do” list and our next high priority job is transplanting over one thousand pepper plants to the field. No instant gratification for any of these jobs because we must wait until August/September before our winter squash, with any luck, matures into roasted sweetness!
This is our winter squash that is going through a little transplant shock after being transplanted.  We are hopeful that this crop will begin to mature come early September!
This is our winter squash that is going through a little transplant shock after being transplanted. We are hopeful that this crop will begin to mature come early September!
Meanwhile, in between all the farm jobs, our onions are being overtaken by a weed, nutsedge, that is very hard to hoe so we are hand pulling weeds for about 3/4 acre of onions. We only have 1/3 completed and I do hope we are able to prioritize this job before the nutsedge grows too much that we end up damaging the onion plants trying to rid the field of this invasive weed.
Can you believe this innocent little grass is causing havoc on our onion crop?  It is terribly difficult to get rid of.
Can you believe this innocent little grass is causing havoc on our onion crop? It is terribly difficult to get rid of.
We had a great market this past Saturday so THANKS ASHEVILLE for giving me hope that folks will be eating the food we grow this season! I have been so focused on all the gazillion jobs that need to be done (i.e. field prep, direct seeding, transplanting, weeding, seeding, harvesting, selling, etc.) that I didn’t take time to photograph our CSA share once again this week. SHAME ON ME!
Sugar Snaps that are so SWEET and you eat the entire pod so no shelling or stringing with this veggie!  We hope to harvest enough for our CSA share this week.
Sugar Snaps that are so SWEET and you eat the entire pod so no shelling or stringing with this veggie! We hope to harvest enough for our CSA share this week.
We are excited to see fruit set on our greenhouse pepper crop!
We are excited to see fruit set on our greenhouse pepper crop!
We also have fruit set on our eggplant!  We aren’t growing as many greenhouse eggplants as in years past but are still hopeful to harvest enough for the CSA shares once they are near “peak production”.
We also have fruit set on our eggplant! We aren’t growing as many greenhouse eggplants as in years past but are still hopeful to harvest enough for the CSA shares once they are near “peak production”.
Eggplant is such a beautiful plant with incredibly gorgeous blossoms. It is so COOL that we sell many of these as plants for use as ornamentals in gardens during our spring plant sales. SUCH A BEAUTY for the garden!
Zucchini ready for harvesting.  We have been harvesting zucchini for about a month  now from this crop.
Zucchini ready for harvesting. We have been harvesting zucchini from this crop for about a month now.
My favorite HOER!
My favorite HOER!

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