
The farm crew made some great accomplishments this past week in transplanting our winter squash and peppers out to the field. We hope to be transplanting some melons but the plants are not doing very well.
Danielle and Emily planting winter squash, very carefully, trying not to disturb what fragile root system each plant has.  The entire farm crew worked very had this past week planting both peppers and winter squash.  Our winter and summer squash plants aren’t doing so well and are dampening off.  Perhaps it is too much water but we are thankful to have transplanted them and hoping they will grow and fruit now that they are out of their little cells of dirt and into the field.
Danielle and Emily planting winter squash, very carefully, trying not to disturb what fragile root system each plant has. The entire farm crew worked very had this past week planting both peppers and winter squash. Our winter and summer squash plants aren’t doing so well and are dampening off. Perhaps it is too much water but we are thankful to have transplanted them and hoping they will grow and fruit now that they are out of their little cells of dirt and into the field.
Justin watering in our peppers. After transplanting them, we like to give them a treat, and for them it is fish emulsion. Last year the critters ate SO MANY of our sweet Italian roasting peppers so say your prayers that they save some of these peppers for market sales.
Justin watering in our peppers. After transplanting them, we like to give them a treat, and for them it is fish emulsion. Last year the critters ate SO MANY of our sweet Italian roasting peppers so say your prayers that they save some of these peppers for market sales.
Emily processing the last of our spring salad mix. We are contemplating seeding a summer crop because we lost a succession of lettuce due to germination issues. Our propagation greenhouse has a new watering system that we are learning.
Emily processing the last of our spring salad mix. We are contemplating seeding a summer crop because we lost a succession of lettuce due to germination issues. Our propagation greenhouse has a new watering system that we are learning.
Allison processing beets. This was our first harvest and her and Justin made some BEAUTIFUL bunches for market. Thanks to all our customers who purchased beets this past week at market.
Allison processing beets. This was our first harvest and her and Justin made some BEAUTIFUL bunches for market. Thanks to all our customers who purchased beets this past week at market.

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