3 Inches of Rain and Meadow Fork is the highest I have seen in a few years!

So we didn’t quite complete running our irrigation pipe and our electricity before the rain came last week and we are thankful of that!
We weren’t planning on tying our drain pipes running along each of our greenhouses into a main pipe because we didn’t see much water coming from the pipes along our greenhouses until this last rain storm. Because our trenches were open, we discovered another “wet weather” spring and will route that water into the drainage pipe from the other spring discovered while digging trenches.
The farm is still a muddy mess and we are waiting for the water to drain away before we complete running irrigation pipe and electricity. In the meantime, our horses and goat have been escaping so we are fixing the fence which should have been done last June. Our neighbor Arthur was able to catch them Saturday and put them in his hay pasture and they were in heaven with all that green grass. We need to re-seed our horse pasture but to do that we need another pasture in rotation. Always something other than what is planned to be done on the farm!

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