Get fresh food weekly by joining our 2020 CSA!

Greetings Everyone, We hope everyone is doing well!!! While all of us are experiencing uncertainty, just know the farmers are continuing to seed, plant veggies, raise animals. We know the best thing for all of us is to focus on social distancing and being well, but it’s also essential for everyone to boost their immune system by eating healthy. We made production plans geared towards attending early Spring markets at the North Asheville Tailgate Market then transitioning to offering summer CSA Shares once tomatoes, basil, peppers and summer squash begin maturing. However, currently the North Asheville Tailgate Market has been postponed, so we’re recruiting CSA Shareholders for the entire spring – early spring into Fall. Who would like to join? You’ll find details of how the CSA works further into the newsletter. Here is a link to peruse the online store to get an idea of the diversity we offer! Your Farmers (and cleaning staff), Carl and Julie
NOTE: Your’re receiving this eNewsletter because you’ve either been a subscriber to MHO in the past OR if you’ve registered for our newsletters from our website.  Feel free to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive this eNewsletter!

How OUR 2020 CSA will work

Right now our production plan was geared towards a larger planting with less diversity since that has worked well for us at the North Asheville Taiglate Market. With the market closing, we’re changing our plan and increasing our diversity for CSA Shareholders.

PLEASE PROVIDE US FEEDBACK about the following:

  • We’d like to require a minimum order of  $15 each week.  We’re allowing you to custom order and design your own share. We will continue offering a Farmer’s Choice share because that allows us to move vegetables we have in abundance or those that are cosmetically challenged (aka ugly)!
  • We’ll be harvesting on Tuesday for pick-up/delivery on Wednesday. That schedule worked perfectly last year for juggling hosting farm-stays along with production.
  • Asheville deliveries – we’ll make a home delivery for a $50 minimum purchase per delivery site. If you’d like to join, but can’t eat that much food in a week, we’d love for you to find a of couple friends who can also place weekly orders and pick-up at your house.
  • Spring Creek Pick-up at the farm – You’re welcome to pick-up at your convenience because your share will be stored in our walk-in cooler.
  • We want you to ORDER WEEKLY and we realize occasionally you’ll have vacation. We are not going to require pre-payments like we’ve done in previous years, but simply want a commitment from you for weekly purchases since we’ll be seeding, planting and harvesting weekly.
  • Our neighbor suggested we put a limit on the time we spend farming each week. This Time Management Strategy worked well last year for us to juggle long term projects along with farming. That means that periodically, throughout the season, our offerings may not be as diversified as in years past.


  • All memberships are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Please email us to reserve your share.
  • We will be delivering from late April early May into Fall. Occasionally, we may take a week off for projects.
  • We’d like a commitment from you for a minimum order amount of $15. Since we are not accepting pre-payments, we expect each shareholder to place their weekly order through the online store, regardless if one is just ordering the Farmer’s Choice. There may be weeks where we aren’t offering a Farmer’s Choice, especially if we don’t have the diversification available that week.
  • Sunday and/or Monday of each week we will send out a eNewsletter that describes produce available that week and the contents of the Farmer’s Choice share. Once you receive the eNewsletter, you will log into the online store and place your order.

These Farm Futures haven’t yet tanked!

We’ve been very busy seeding, pulling out overwintered greenhouse crops and planting crops that we hope mature into healthy vegetables that will nourish your body! Just like life in the age of the COVID-19, there are never any guarantees that we’ll be harvesting these crops, just because pests and disease is always a possibility. Lucky us, we’ve been harvesting early cucumbers and zucchini from our greenhouse for the past 15 years, so there is a high probability that these futures will mature and we’ll be offering them in the online store.

Cute little Sugar Snap and shelling peas!

While many gardeners and farmers can plant these cold loving peas outside, MHO happens to be in a frost pocket, so we always plant our peas in the greenhouse so as not to lose them to a hard frost. We’ve patched the roll down sides of this greenhouse because last year the critters got in through the holes and ate all the tomatillos. We’re hopeful that this crop grows and thrives!

Progress on the wood fired oven!

Anytime this winter when we’ve had warm enough nighttime temperatures for mortar to cure, we’ve been working on the pizza oven. We’re ready to mortar the arches over the oven chamber. We are incrediby grateful for all our neighbors who’ve advised us on wood fired ovens: John Clemens, Steve Bardwell at Wake Robin Bakery and Mark Rosenstein who was once the owner of The Marketplace but now offers private dinners at his home. The oven style we chose is a Patrick Manley design, who is a nationally acclaimed mason specializing in wood fired ovens. We’re incredibly fortunate for his ongoing advise on this oven build. The question we constantly asked one another as we worked was, “What would Patrick do?” .

We’re looking forward to the first pizzas that come out of the oven! Once the oven is completed, we’ll be hosting complimentary pizza outings for CSA Shareholders, anyone who helped with the pizza oven build, and all those who helped with the pavilion raising! This project has long been in the works and we are getting excited to spend some time with all the people who have supported us over the years and helped us realize this dream. Hopefully you can use some farm fresh pizza toppings like those above to design your own pizza.  We fully expect this oven to perform much better than the previous oven we’ve been using for the past 15 years.

In this time of uncertainty, just know that Spring will soon be here and Summer is then right around the corner!

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