Thank goodness for our dedicated CSA and tailgate market customers!

After reading an article in the Atlantic, about an excerpt from the book, “Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement”, I must say I love our CSA members and tailgate market customers. I believe that both our CSA and tailgate market customers understand the amount of work that goes into producing their food and have been very supportive of our farm for quite a few years.
Happy Earth Day Everyone! Many researchers say that eating seasonally and locally can make a HUGE impact in reducing our carbon emissions allowing us to move towards a cleaner and healthier planet. So thanks readers for your support of eating locally! Today I am especially proud of Danielle, Justin and Emily for choosing a career path of farming in support of a cleaner and healthier planet. When you see your farmer, please thank them, mostly because they are making HUGE monetary sacrifices just to farm.
For Earth Day, below is a photograph for our CSA members of your food growing. From left to right in the field, the four beds to the right of the bed completely covered, growing is red cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens/lacinato kale, and red russian kale. Things are growing and we are looking forward to harvesting and washing this food for you!
Just last week we uncovered our first succession of greens. We leave them covered for a couple weeks after transplanting, just until their large enough so the flea beetles won’t devour them, then we uncover so they can grow on into delicious edible food. We will be hoeing these crops this upcoming week.
Just last week we uncovered our first succession of greens. We leave them covered for a couple weeks after transplanting, just until their large enough so the flea beetles won’t devour them, then we uncover so they can grow on into delicious edible food. We will be hoeing these crops this upcoming week.
We have head lettuce that is just starting to grow. Every spring, because we are a small valley with very cool temperatures settling in each night, our crops GROW very slowly even with the unseasonably warm temperatures.
We have head lettuce that is just starting to grow. Every spring, because we are a small valley with very cool temperatures settling in each night, our crops GROW very slowly even with the unseasonably warm temperatures.
Alvin discussing the approach for leveling our fence line. In just a few hours he has our fence line leveled and ready for us to begin digging holes for the fence posts.
Alvin discussing the approach for leveling our fence line. In just a few hours he has our fence line leveled and ready for us to begin digging the holes for the fence posts.
Has NPR gone corporate? They’ve published a story about the safety of salad mix, and after listening, I would surmise the problem with our salad mix/leafy greens is having birds and wild animals on the planet. They didn’t even discuss the concept of safe “salad mix” coming from a distributed food system. I would recommend reading an article that Michael Pollan wrote about in regards to a centralized food distribution system.
Danielle washing our salad mix. This is our first cutting of the season and she has been designated our Salad Mix Guru. She does an excellent job in harvesting and washing it to remove the weeds.
Danielle washing our salad mix. This is our first cutting of the season and she has been designated our Salad Mix Guru. She does an excellent job in harvesting and washing it to remove the weeds.
Our tub full of salad mix. We don’t feel that our salad mix is a threat, even with birds flying over and wild animals such as rabbits visiting and taking a few bites here and there, so not sure why big industry is having such problems.
Our tub full of salad mix. We don’t feel that our salad mix is a threat, even with birds flying over and wild animals such as rabbits visiting and taking a few bites here and there, so not sure why big industry is having such problems.
Danielle spinning our salad mix. Justin found this spinner on Craigslist because our washing machine caught on fire last year. We have since moved the washing machine to the bottom of the priority list because we still want to fix it someday.
Danielle spinning our salad mix. Justin found this spinner on Craigslist because our washing machine caught on fire last year. We have since moved the washing machine to the bottom of the priority list because we still want to fix it someday.
I placed some hay in the pigs shelter today with the anticipation of cool weather and possibly snow today. This evening they were snuggled in the shelter.
I placed some hay in the pigs shelter today with the anticipation of cool weather and possibly snow today. This evening they were snuggled in the shelter.
The pigs looking up contemplating if they should greet me.
The pigs looking up contemplating if they should greet me.
The pigs noticing I have grain and figured it was worthwhile leaving their warm nest for a little grain!
The pigs noticing I have grain and figured it was worthwhile leaving their warm nest for a little grain!
I joke that Carl’s job is to fix all the equipment that I brake which in and of itself is a full time job. Carl is about done fixing the flail mower and we hope to be mowing down our cover crop this upcoming week.
I joke that Carl’s job is to fix all the equipment that I brake which in and of itself is a full time job. Carl is about done fixing the flail mower and we hope to be mowing down our cover crop this upcoming week.
CSA Members… We are pleased to announce that we have transplanted most all of our onions to the field, planted most all our potatoes, and have transplanted another succession of greens. We also laid out a few runs of irrigation and just when we started irrigating the onions it rained about an inch! YEA for irrigation. In addition, we prepped the soil in greenhouse #5 for peppers and our hope is to have those transplanted to the field sometime this week. Below is a video of us using the drag setter to plant potatoes.

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