Joey was one of the folks to leave without notice in the peak of our season, I am now forgiving him, because I have to say he put in some good energy into this farm. We have a new greenhouse in production and the land was graded with a dozer, thus the earth very hard, but Joey (and with a little help from Carl and Julia) this past spring pickaxed a couple beds and loosed the soil enough to direct seed in the greenhouse. So just Wednesday, we direct seeded Spinach, Lettuce, Arugula and Clinatro into the greenhouse. This is a test because our hope is to oneday have a winter CSA that can be managed by myself and my husband. We will track our yeild off our row feet during the short days of winter.
I remember how impressed this past Spring I was when Joey pickaxed an entire bed in one day, but I didn’t fully appreciate it until this fall when I began pickaxing the remainder of the greenhouse, it has taken me almost an entire day to do one bed! It makes me appreciate the strength of our tractor! Our hope is next week to transplant lettuce, tatsoi and baby boc choi into the greenhouse.