It feels so GREAT to harvest onions after last years crop failure!

One thing about the lack of rain is that we think our yield for our onions is the best in a couple years. We didn’t harvest gigantic onions like we have in years gone by but the Candy onions are delicious and they are, for the most part, consistently sized.
On Thursday we harvested around 1500 – 2000 lbs of onions that are now on drying racks and we are hoping for non humid weather like we have had the last couple weeks so they cure out nicely. We won’t know the exact weight until we pull them down because once they have cured they will be a little lighter in weight.
We are also irrigating. It has been hot and dry here in the mountains so we have been running our irrigation every couple days. Our humidity level has been unusually low so our crops aren’t getting any moisture from overnight dews. We try to have lettuce for our CSA each week, and to keep the lettuce from bolting and also so it is a little less bitter flavor in the heat, we like to give it the much needed moisture. In addition, the corn loves water and needs about an inch each week.
Look at our overhead irrigation!  It is such an amazing sight to see all the sprinkler heads raining on the crops.  My photo does not do it justice.
Look at our overhead irrigation! It is such an amazing sight to see all the sprinkler heads raining on the crops. My photo does not do it justice.
The question from everyone is when will the corn be ready? Corn, like tomatoes, tastes so much better when eaten just after harvesting! It definitely ranks up there with tomatoes as something that should be eaten seasonally and only when it is fresh from the garden or area farms. We think the corn will be ready in a couple weeks. It has tassels and it is beginning to form ears.
Our first succession of corn.  It has tassels and the ears are forming. We are praying that it forms decent ears for our CSA and tailgate market customers.
Our first succession of corn. It has tassels and the ears are forming. We are praying that it forms decent ears for our CSA and tailgate market customers.
WATERMELON CROP FAILURE.  Our watermelon plants just plain died a week or so ago.  We think due to it being too hot in our greenhouse.  We only have a single layer of plastic and the only ventilation are the sides which we rolled up.  For the past 3 years the crows ate all the watermelons in the fields.  We will keep trying because we really want to figure out how to grow watermelons here in Spring Creek.  Do we shoot all the crows are learn how to grow them in a greenhouse?
WATERMELON CROP FAILURE. Our watermelon plants just plain died a week or so ago. We think due to it being too hot in our greenhouse. We only have a single layer of plastic and the only ventilation are the sides which we rolled up. For the past 3 years the crows ate all the watermelons in the fields. We will keep trying because we really want to figure out how to grow watermelons here in Spring Creek. Do we shoot all the crows are learn how to grow them in a greenhouse?
Cute Harmon!  We call him "Lover Boy" because he just loves people.
Cute Harmon! We call him "Lover Boy" because he just loves people. He especially loves Sabrina and every time he sees her he gets so EXCITED because he knows he will get some good lovin from her.

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