Call your senators today!

It is very important that we keep our small farms in business.  Please call your senators today and urge them to either amend or oppose S. 510. Clicking on the link will provide you with good talking points when calling your senators!
An example letter sent to my senators:
RE: S. 510 – FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.
I am writing to urge you to either oppose S. 510 or pass S. 510 with the proposed Tester Amendment to exclude small facilities and direct marketing farms from the most burdensome provisions of the bill. I am very concerned about the affect of S. 510 on our small NC Family farms should the bill pass as it is written.
Supporting S. 510 with the Tester Amendment can accomplish the following two objectives: (a) Assuring the American people that their food is safe (b) Continuing to make local food available while keeping our small NC farms in business.
Both you and I know that our government does not have the financial resources to inspect all of our small farms nor do our small farms have the financial resources to pay for these types of inspections. In supporting the Tester Amendment our NC Small Farms can continue competing with large agricultural companies. Our American Small Family Farms have not contributed to food contamination outbreaks to warrant such inspections and undo burdens on these businesses.
I trust you will be supporting the Tester Amendment because I know that you are concerned about our NC Small Family Farms since they are a big part of our local economy!

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