Articles worth reading

Michael Pollan is one of my favorite food writers so I am posting a link to articles of his that are extremely thoughtful and worth re-reading from time to time.
With Health Care Reform underway I think the below article is worth re-reading:
Farmer in Chief
Below is a great article in support of a decentralized food system.  Safety begins by knowing your farmer not by regulating all the small farms making it impraticale for them to stay in business.  If we regulate our small farms to death, we will end up putting them out of business, only to be left with a centralized food system.
The Vegetable-Industrial Complex
Soon to pass is the S 510 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. It is important that we call our senators to request amendments to the bill so that it does not negatively impact our small farms. Such amendments might be: (1) Farms earning under $250,000 annually be exculded from on farm inspections (2) Assist small farms in implementing a “Food Safety Plan” (3) Allow for working dogs/wild animals (birds, racoons, ground hogs, deer, etc) without negatively impacting the food safety rating.
Read Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s response
Letter with some good suggestions when calling your senators in regards to amendments to the bill

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