This past Saturday we had our single largest sale day of the season requiring all of us on the farm to be at Market! Since we are selling plants at this point in the season, it took us a lot of time to prepare for market, and I totally underestimated the time to tag and inventory our plants. (Carl and I were up until 1 AM Saturday morning loading the truck, slept for a couple hours, then got up at 3:40 AM Saturday and headed to Waynesville.) Our sales held steady with last year which we are thankful for. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO EACH YEAR CONTINUES TO SUPPORT OUR FARM BY PURCHASING THEIR PLANT STARTS FROM US!
In addition to prepping plants for market, we transplanted another succession of greens, and for the most part we are covering those to keep the flea beetles off. These crops went out to the field a little small and starved for nutrients because we seeded them in a soil mix that didn’t have enough fertilizer charge to grow them into large healthy transplants. We are hoping they recover now that they are outdoors because one of the crops that I adore is red cabbage and I truly hope we can harvest some this year! Many of the red cabbage plants couldn’t be transplanted because they were so small so we won’t have as much red cabbage for market.