Things are growing!

Our weather here in the mountains has been very warm so things around the farm are growing ever so quickly. It has been in the 70’s during the day which is a little unusual to have temperatures this warm in March. We are currently working on fencing the pig pasture because as the weather warms the pigs will be ready to be put on pasture.
This is the first week that our entire farm crew for our 2011 farming season is here on the farm and all of us are beginning to get into the rhythm of farming life.
Our soil finally dried out enough so we could till up some ground for our first succession of direct seeded crops.  We are now praying for rain.  Farmers’ are a little neurotic.  Just a couple days ago we were praying that our soil dry out and now that we have crops seeded we are praying for rain!  If it doesn’t rain we will need to set up irrigation.
Our soil finally dried out enough so we could till up some ground for our first succession of direct seeded crops. We are now praying for rain. Farmers’ are a little neurotic. Just a couple days ago we were praying that our soil dry out and now that we have crops seeded we are praying for rain! If it doesn’t rain we will need to set up irrigation.
Our first succession of greens such as kale and mustards are looking so delicious (although we don’t tell them that!) that our hope is to transplant those outdoors the beginning of April.
Our first succession of greens such as kale and mustards are looking so delicious (although we don’t tell them that!) that our hope is to transplant those outdoors the beginning of April.
The onions are growing and we hope that they continue doing just that so they will be ready for transplanting to the field mid April.
The onions are growing and we hope that they continue doing just that so they will be ready for transplanting to the field mid April.
The piggies are growing and very oral.  If I sit amongst them they want to eat my shirt and shoes.  I wonder if it isn’t a teething thing but we probably shouldn’t let them eat on us because once they are a little larger we won’t be able to handle them.
The piggies are growing and very oral. If I sit amongst them they want to eat my shirt and shoes. I wonder if it isn’t a teething thing but we probably shouldn’t let them eat on us because once they are a little larger we won’t be able to handle them.
We hoed the garlic.  First Carl used Heido Ho, and she did an excellent job in getting most of the weeds between our garlic beds (the isles) and between the garlic rows (the middle of the garlic beds.)  Then we came through with hoes and worked in a little fertilizer and zapped away the rest of the weeds.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if no more weeds grow in the garlic the rest of the season?
We hoed the garlic. First Carl used Heido Ho, and she did an excellent job in getting most of the weeds between our garlic beds (the isles) and between the garlic rows (the middle of the garlic beds.) Then we came through with hoes and worked in a little fertilizer and zapped away the rest of the weeds. Wouldn’t it be lovely if no more weeds grow in the garlic the rest of the season?
A close photo of the garlic looking pretty good after a cold winter.
A close photo of the garlic looking pretty good after a cold winter.

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