Spinach or Swiss Chard Enchiladas


For l medium 8-9 " square casserole pan.


3 lbs Spinach or Swiss Chard

l large chopped  onion

3 or more cloves garlic, chopped fine

2 Tbs. oil, or less (olive)

12-15 tortillas

Mozzarella cheese (optional)

Sour cream or yogurt


Clean Spinach or chard. Cut off rough stems and shred. Steam spinach/chard in its own juice ( with only the water left on it from washing) for about 3-5 minutes. Drain and save the liquid. Permit the spinach/chard to cool.


Saute the chopped onion and garlic lightly in the oil. Cover when onions begin to clear. Turn off heat and let the onions continue to cook on the reserved heat. Mix thoroughly with the spinach/chard.


Heat the reserved spinach/chard liquid in a skillet and soak the corn tortillas in it. BE CAREFUL NOT TO LET THE LIQUID BECOME TOO HOT OR The tortillas will disintegrate. Have extra water or leftover vegetable broth handy to replenish the tortilla-softening liquid. When the tortilla is malleable, remove from the skillet and place on a plate. Put 1-2 Tbsp. of the spinach/chard-onion-garlic mixture on the tortilla and roll tightly. Repeat the process, placing the rolled tortillas in the lightly-oiled casserole. If you do not wish to use oil, coat the bottom of the casserole with the broth.


A good variation is to roll grated Mozzarella cheese in the tortilla with the spinach/chard. However, the dish is still excellent without the cheese because of the sour cream sauce. For SOUR CREAM SAUCE, just add water or milk to regular sour cream until it can be easily poured.


After all of the tortillas are rolled and placed tightly in the casserole, top the entire casserole with the sour cream sauce. Bake at 350* for 30 minutes or until browned.


After removing from the oven, top with reserved sour cream and garnish with fresh parsley. Be sure to save some of the cream sauce to serve with the enchiladas.


Chopped jalapeno peppers can also be served on the side, as well as a salsa mexicanna, made from chopped fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic, chilies, salt, pepper and a touch of vinegar or lime juice. If you do not wish to use the sour cream sauce, a regular cream sauce will also work but be careful not to make it to floury..