Kale Tostadas (We gave this out last year and since so many folks enjoyed them we have included it once again!)

1 bunch Kale, 1 bunch Mustards, l large chopped onion, several mushrooms, 3 or more cloves garlic chopped fine, fresh or dried oregano, 2 Tbs. oil,  6 corn tortillas, 1/4 c. shredded smoked gouda cheese (optional), refried beans, sour cream or yogurt, cilantro. 

(1) Clean Kale and Mustards and cut off rough stems and shred.

(2) Chop onion and sauté in oil, with garlic, until tender.  Add Kale and mushrooms to the garlic mixture and cook until tender.   If your kale mixture has too much liquid, then you may consider adding a thickener such as flour.  Let mixture simmer briefly and add cheese. 

(3) While the kale is cooking, coat a cookie sheet with a little oil and bake corn tortillas until crisp in a 350 degree oven.  (You will need to turn the corn tortillas once to bake each side). 
(4) Cover tortillas with refried beans, then top with kale mixture (these are open faced).   Chop cilantro and top each with a little cilantro. Bake in a 350 degree oven for around 20 minutes and enjoy!  After they have cooled a bit, top with either yogurt or sour cream.  You may also wish to top with chopped jalapeno peppers, salsa, fresh tomatoes, cilantro or green onions.