Grilled Eggplant, Sweet Pepper and Onion Sandwich (Serves 4)

- Pesto Sauce OR fresh basil
- Bread – 8 slices
- 1 tablespoon  pressed garlic
- 1 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons olive oil.
- 1 Sweet Pepper (Yellow/Red/Orange)
- 1 Eggplant
- 1 cup onion slices
- Mozzarella cheese cut into thin slices
(1)  Cut sweet peppers into strips and eggplant into slices and brush with a little olive oil.  (if desired, lightly salt eggplant slices).  In a 400 degree oven, roast the peppers until slightly blackened and roast the eggplant until tender.
(2)  Saute onion in butter until tender.
(3) Brush one side of each slice of bread with garlic and olive oil.  Toast both sides of each slice of bread on a cookie sheet in the oven.  Spread pesto on side of bread with garlic and olive oil or use fresh basil leaves.  Next place a layer of eggplant on bread, followed by a layer of sweet peppers and finally the onions.  Add thin slices of mozzarella cheese. Place slice of toasted bread on top with garlic side down and bake at 350 degrees until cheese is just melted.
(4)  Sometimes we might splurge and make a mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, garlic and horseradish sauce.  Use 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon horseradish, 1 pressed clove garlic then mix well.  We spread the sauce onto the onions then bake the sandwich.  (Usually when we use fresh basil leaves rather than pesto sauce)